Hybrid wheat
Since the early 2000s, ASUR Plant Breeding has been the world’s leading breeder of hybrid wheat. It has registered over 40 varieties in Europe since 2002, including the very popular varieties Mercury, Hysun, Hystar, Hyfi and Hyking.
Why choose hybrid wheat? We are convinced of its value for its productivity, disease tolerance and input optimisation. The stability of its results allows for large-scale geographical deployment (European Union and beyond).
The breeder’s objective is to obtain a combination of two parents that offer the best possible heterosis effect, while validating the seed production process. As a result of molecular breeding, the combination of parents is optimised.
Line wheat
Since its foundation, ASUR Plant Breeding has been breeding winter wheat varieties, with BOSTON as its first registered variety. Over the last two decades, ASUR Plant Breeding has registered varieties such as BAGOU, CHEVRON, CREEK, JOHNSON and finally CHEVIGNON, which has been the leading variety grown in Europe for some years now.
The success of ASUR Plant Breeding’s varieties has quickly spread beyond France to make ASUR a recognised player in Europe and far beyond.
ASUR’s line wheat breeding programme is focused on the development of new multi-performance and sustainable varieties.
Line barley
In 2024, ASUR Plant Breeding launched a breeding programme for 6-row winter barley. This new breeding programme draws on the knowledge and expertise in barley acquired over several years.
The first registrations are expected in 2030.