Attentive to the expectations of both farmers and processors (food industries in particular) and attentive to societal demands that are often reflected in regulatory changes, ASUR Plant Breeding builds its breeding strategy in order to create varieties that meet the expected “multi-performance” requirements.

Thus, while the main key to the profitability of production remains productivity, farmers have high expectations for regularity. It allows for income security despite climatic variations. ASUR incorporates this expectation with productive, but above all flexible and resilient varieties: thanks to a customised growing cycle and balanced yield components, they must be able to cope with a lack of water or a rise in temperature. CHEVIGNON’s success is based in part on this remarkable stability, which it has demonstrated year after year since 2016.

Increasing cost of inputs, scarcity or uncertainty of access to certain inputs, societal expectations of production that takes greater account of the environmental dimension: to meet the needs of the agro-ecological transition (producing with fewer inputs, while ensuring high-quality production at a competitive cost) genetics has a key role to play. It involves optimising tolerance to diseases and bio-aggressors, making it possible to limit interventions for the benefit of the environment and the associated stresses and costs. The latest varieties proposed combine several interesting traits, such as the SU HYREAL hybrid wheat, which is tolerant to root rot, midge and mosaic disease.

SU ADDICTION perfectly illustrates the challenge of maximising the value of each unit of fertiliser applied: it ensures optimum expression of both the yield and the protein content.

This is a very important point since the protein content, and the types of protein contained in wheat, determine its value in the industry, and in particular its capacity to produce “beautiful bread”. The SU MOUSQUETON variety, which is recommended by the French milling industry, is therefore remarkable: it perfectly illustrates the response to the expectations expressed by the citizen-consumer for high-quality wheat. The variety’s tolerance to fusarium head blight is another of its assets, which illustrates ASUR’s vigilance with regard to this disease, and is a direct response to the need to produce grain of impeccable health quality.